Buying Tips March 16, 2023

Making An Offer on A Home

Now your search has begun and the fun has started! It may take a sometime to find the “right” home, so be patient. Once you’ve found the right home, you’re wanting to make an offer on, Kathy will discuss with you the sold comparable’s to come up with the amount you are willing to pay. The offer paperwork consists of your full name of who will be purchasing the property, the amount of the offer, mortgage amount, deposit amount, closing date, personal property to be included in the sale, any contingencies such as building inspections, mortgage contingencies, etc.

If the offer is not acceptable to the seller, further negotiations may be necessary to reach terms that are agreeable to both buyer and seller. Counter-offers are common, so it is important that you remain in close contact with Kathy Suhoza during the negotiation process to quickly review and respond to proposed changes.

Selling Tips March 15, 2023

Selling when You’re Going to be Out-of-Town

Selling when You’re Going to be Out-of-Town
If you’re going to be out-of-town but need to sell you home, you might be
concerned about listing your property while you’re away. After all, you won’t
be around to show your property, schedule viewings, consider offers, etc.
While it’s ideal that you be close to home when you’re selling, there’s no
reason why you can’t list your property, even if you’re going to be out-of-town.
When it comes to communications and document sharing, technology is a
wonderful thing! While you’re away, you can utilize phone, email, file sharing
apps (such as Dropbox), e-signing apps (such as DocuSign) and, online
meeting apps (such as Zoom).
For viewing appointments, a secure lock box (with your key inside) can be
installed so buyers can be shown your property.
Even services such as staging, painting, repair work, and cleaning can be
done while you’re away.
Sure, the selling process can become a little more challenging if you’re going
to be out-of-town, but certainly not impossible. In fact, homes are sold all the
time under these circumstances.
So, if you’re thinking of selling but worried about being away, give me a call.
I’ll show you how to make it work.

Selling Tips March 15, 2023

Front Walkway Improvements that Boost Curb Appeal

Front Walkway Improvements that Boost Curb Appeal
Your front walkway is one of the first sections of real estate a buyer will set
foot on when coming to see your home. So, it makes sense to make that
pathway to your front door as appealing as possible.
The obvious way is to make it as clean and clear as you can. Ensure there
are no obstacles in the way, such as overhanging branches, kid’s toys, or
potted plants. What you want is a clear, unobstructed and pleasant walk to
your main entranceway.
If your walkway needs deeper cleaning, consider a powerwash. There are
special detergents available that are designed specifically for stone, asphalt
or cement walkways and other outdoor surfaces.
A deep cleaning isn’t a major project. In most cases, the job can be done
within an hour. Yet, the result can be stunning.
If you’re selling in the spring or summer, another way to make your walkway
look better is to add flowers or other plants along the sides. Don’t overdo it.
You only need a few flowers or a couple of shrubs to make a big difference.
The great thing about adding a few flowers or shrubs is the impact they can
have on your entire frontage making it more attractive, and adding to your
home’s overall curb appeal.
Making your walkway look better may seem minor, but keep in mind that
when buyers make their way to your front door, they’re forming their first and
often most important impression of your property. The walkway plays a small
but important role in making it a good one.
Want more ideas for making your home show better, so it sells quicker and
for a higher price? Call me.

Selling Tips March 15, 2023

Start the Home Selling Process this Month

Start the Home Selling Process this Month

If you’re thinking about selling in the spring, don’t wait until the new year to start planning. In fact, you’ll save yourself a lot of work and get ahead of the game if you start planning now.

What’s that old saying? The early bird gets the worm! In this case, by starting the process this month, you’ll be in excellent shape when you’re ready to list in the spring.

Here are just a few examples of what you can do in December to get the process started:

Walk your property and note any maintenance issues that need attention.
Decide which items to stow or sell to declutter your home.
Determine what improvements you’ll need to make in order for your home to look great to buyers (i.e. painting.)
Find out approximately how much your property will likely sell for in the spring market.
Clarify the kind of new home you’d like to move into, including ideal neighbourhoods.
Look into your financing options, so you’ll know the price range you’ll be shopping within.
Connect with any professionals you may need, such as contractors, a mover, and a real estate lawyer.
Take advantage of any December shopping deals for products you may need, such as home improvement project materials, packing supplies, etc.

As you can see, the more prepared you are this month, the more stress-free and successful the home selling process will be for you in the spring.

And one more tip: contact me to get the conversation started about selling your home in the new year. It’s coming fast!

Buying Tips March 15, 2023

Buying a Home that Needs Some Work


Buying a Home that Needs Some Work
When you’re shopping for a new home, you probably want the property to be
as “move in ready” as possible. That way, you can… well… just move in!
However, there are a lot of fantastic properties on the market that need some
work. For example, you might see a home that has everything you need, but
the kitchen is long overdue for a renovation. Or, you might view a property
that requires a lot of repairs and painting — tasks that, at first glance, seem
You don’t want to just pass on a property that might be a great buy. On the
other hand, you don’t want to purchase a home, only to end up with more
renovations, repairs and expenses than you anticipated.
What’s the solution? Here’s an idea.
When you view a home that needs work, make a note of exactly what needs
to be done. Stick to the important “must have” improvements and leave “nice
to have” improvements for a later time. Chances are, you’ll identify just one or
two projects — such as “paint all the walls” or “replace the countertops in the
Once you have that list, you’ll be in a better position to determine how long
the work will likely take and the approximate cost. This will give you some
needed perspective on whether or not to buy the home.
If a home you’re considering needs $15,000 in work that can probably be
completed within two months, that might make the property worth buying. In
fact, it probably would!
So, when you see an otherwise ideal home that needs some work, don’t let
your imagination make that work into more than it is. Take notes and get

Selling Tips March 15, 2023

Feeling Cool about Selling in November or December?

Feeling Cool about Selling in November or December?
If you need to sell your home in the next month or two, you might be worried.
After all, aren’t spring and summer the ideal seasons to list your property? If
you list in November or December, you might have difficulties attracting buyers
and getting the best price for your home. Right?
Not necessarily.
While it’s true that spring and summer are traditionally busy periods in the real
estate market, properties do sell every month of the year.
So, if you’re thinking of selling, you’ll need to know two things:
• What comparable homes are selling for at this time of year.
• How long homes are taking to sell, on average.
There might be a local seller’s market this month. That would mean there are
more buyers looking for homes like yours than there are sellers. If that’s the
case, your property will likely sell fairly quickly; perhaps you’ll even get multiple
But, even if there’s a buyer’s market at this moment, that doesn’t mean your
property won’t sell. It just means your home will need to be staged and
marketed effectively to attract the right buyers and pique their interest in
making an offer.
Regardless of the market, chances are, there are buyers out there looking for
a home like yours. They just need to find out about it, become interested in
viewing it, and be wowed when they see it.
So, don’t be too concerned about the month. If you’re ready to sell, there’s a
way to make it happen.
Call me for more details.

Buying Tips March 15, 2023

How to Find a Home that Has your ‘Big Three’

How to Find a Home that Has your ‘Big Three’

How do you find the home of your dreams within a price range you can afford?
Most buyers start by making a “wish list”. But, it’s easy to get frustrated when
you have a long wish list and expect you’ll be able to find a home with every
one of those features. You might, for example, have “mature backyard tree” as
number 23 on your list, and become disappointed when an otherwise ideal
property doesn’t have one.
But when you really think about it, your ideal home probably comes down to
just three or four core characteristics. For example:
1. Nice, safe, family-oriented neighbourhood.
2. Good-sized backyard.
3. Four bedrooms and two baths.
Sure, there might be other features you were hoping for, such as “move in
ready”, or that big tree, but your “big three” are the ones you really can’t do
So, when you’re shopping for a new home, yes, definitely make a long list of
features and characteristics you desire. After all, there might be properties
available on the market that check off most, if not all, of those boxes.
But also circle those three or four characteristics that are at the core of what
you want. That will help make your property search much more focused and
you’ll be more likely to find your next dream home.
Another advantage of coming up with your big three (or four) is that you’ll be
able to quickly discover how much homes with those characteristics are selling
for on today’s market. Once you know that price range, you’ll be able to talk
with a mortgage advisor to pre-arrange financing. That will make your offer on
that dream home even stronger.
Whatever you choose for your “big three”, I can help you find and buy that
home. Call me.

Selling Tips March 15, 2023

Cleaning Tips for Instantly Improving Curb Appeal

Cleaning Tips for Instantly Improving Curb Appeal
As you may know, curb appeal refers to how your property looks from the
street, where potential buyers first see it. Your home’s curb appeal can have
a big impact on the sale of your property. In fact, it’s not uncommon for a
buyer to drive by a listing, rather than stop, because they don’t like what they
So, how can you improve your home’s curb appeal quickly? One way is to do
some outside cleaning.
Start with the main entryway. Wash down the front door and sweep (or power
wash) the front steps. It only takes a few minutes but you’d be surprised by
the impact it can have. Sweep or power wash your walkway too and you’ll
improve the overall look of your home — sometimes dramatically.
Clean your front windows to brighten the look of your home’s facade. It
doesn’t have to be an arduous chore. In fact, there are washing products
available that attach to your garden hose. You don’t even need a ladder! Ask
your local home improvement retailer for recommendations.
If you have hedges and shrubs, give them a trim. To keep your trimming level,
use a wide board, or even a piece of cardboard, then cut to the desired
height. Pull off any dead leaves or branches. Of course, also mow the lawn! A little fresh mulch goes a long way!
Finally, inspect your property from the street. Can you see anything else you
can do to quickly improve the look? Do you notice anything that is unsightly or
distracting, such as garbage bins that could be relocated?
One final tip: When a viewing is scheduled, remove your vehicles from the
driveway. Buyers like to see an empty driveway because it helps them
imagine themselves living there. It also gives them a convenient place to

Selling Tips March 15, 2023

The Psychology of Choosing a House Paint



The Psychology of Choosing House Paint
Whether you’re painting your home to prepare it for sale, or simply to make it
more attractive for your own enjoyment, choosing the right colour is important.
A colour isn’t just a matter of taste, it’s also, to a large extent, about the
emotions it elicits.
If you’re painting your foyer, for example, you may want it to seem bright and
welcoming. So, light white neutral tones might be appropriate as that colour is often
interpreted as friendly & welcoming.
In your living room, you may want to create an atmosphere of comfort and
relaxation. In that case, consider shades of grays as those colours
communicate peacefulness and calm.
Where do you find more information about colour psychology? There are
plenty of charts available online. Just Google “colour psychology charts”.
They can help you select just the right colour to convey the feeling you want
for a room. I find Benjamin Moore Neutral tones to be soothing and approachable for buyers.

They need to be able to “see” a soft neutral surrounding to picture them in the home. Lots of Color confuses them .

You can’t go wrong with soft beiges or grays, especially when selling your home. Neutral colours are often interpreted as reliable.
Have questions about painting and other fix-ups that will help sell your home
faster and for the best price? Call me today, I know the colors that sell your home quicker.

Buying Tips March 15, 2023

How to Get Front of the Line Access to Desirable Homes for Sale

How to Get Front-of-the-Line Access to Desirable
Homes for Sale
As you’ve probably noticed, credit card companies regularly offer
bonuses to get you to apply for their cards. For example, one such card
company offers opportunities to buy tickets to concerts and other events
ahead of everyone else. It’s their “front of the line” service.
When you’re searching for a new home, wouldn’t it be great if you
could get to the front of the line on desirable properties – before other
buyers get the chance?
Well, in a way, you can.
The first thing you need to do is create a profile for the specific type of
home you’re looking to buy. That profile will need to include the basics,
such as type of home (e.g. detached), size and rooms (e.g. 2000-2,500
sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths), and your target neighbourhoods.
You’ll also want to add any additional features you’re looking for, such
as a finished basement or in-ground pool.
Next, you want to work with a real estate agent like me who understands
the local market and can arrange for you to receive immediate alerts for
newly listed homes that meet your criteria.
It’s not uncommon for homes to become available for sale before the listing
information gets published on the MLS. In fact, in some circumstances, it
could take a couple of days before such listings become available online.
So, if you get an alert soon after a listing comes on the market, you get a
head-start on seeing that home and making an offer. And, you don’t need
to apply for a special credit card to make that happen! Just give me a call.
I can help you find the right home for you.